Chatham Township Ordinances

Speed Limits: Minnesota Statute 169.14, subd 2(a) (1).
The speed limit is 35 mph on town roads within a subdivision or plat of and that is built up with dwelling houses at intervals of less than 300 feet for a distance of one quarter mile or more.

Dog Ordinances: 10-24-1996 and 4-20-2006.
Prohibiting dogs from running at large and prohibiting vicious dogs.  A copy of these ordinances is available upon request.

Burning Permit Policy for Wright County.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.  The goal of this policy is to reduce wildfires and eliminate needless runs by the Fire Department to permit fires.  You may have a recreational or food preparation fire without a permit.  It must be wood or charcoal, and either contained in a device such as a barbecue grill or as a campfire.  A campfire must have a radius of five feet cleared of combustible material and must be attended to at all times.  You may burn vegetative material such as brush, weeds or other natural material not including garbage in an "approved waste burner", which basically is a barrel with a screen cover in an area cleared of combustible material.  This burning should be done after 6 p.m. and not within 600 feet of an occupied residence other than your own.  Burning permits are required for open burning of brush, weeds and other vegetative material unless there is three inches of snow cover.  Permits may not be issued for burning tires, car bodies, shingles, waste oil or other materials that will produce large quantities of noxious smoke.

RESOLUTION 12-14, 2004-4
Where a road is constructed in a development for future township takeover that road shall be constructed according to township specifications, said road must be bituminous surfaced to nine ton specifications by developer. The developer shall be responsible for repair work for bituminous surface for a three year period after township takeover.

Where a proposed development causes the need to widen or rebuild an existing township road due to increased traffic, the developer shall assume all the cost and liability of rebuilding said township road.

Existing and new subdivisions containing two or less lots will be excluded from nine ton tar surfaced road provision. Subdivisions containing more than two lots may not be added onto, on a year to year basis pertaining to tar surfaced road.

In subdivisions developer shall be responsible for tar meeting tar from development to existing tar road. Developer shall be responsible for repair work for a three year period.  When a developer lays down tar for a development or Township road, it shall be a minimum of three and one half inches, all done in the same time period.

Residential development of lots ten acres or more are excluded from this resolution.  12-14,2004-4.

Here are the requirements for a new road in Chatham Township: